Since Kent looks like he was squeezed out of an over tightened sphincter, I'm assuming that he's describing the back door birth orifice through which he entered the world.
Anyway, Kent Klark had this to say:
"You know, a certain amount of this is shock therapy. There are different options and, of course, what everybody has fastened on is the most extreme of the options. But, look, the important thing for people to know is that we are borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend. That's utterly unsustainable. It can't continue much longer, so it's got to be dealt with."
I'm sure Naomi Klein is feeling a bit of vindication sprinkled amongst whatever existential dread our current state of affairs is causing her.
"Shock therapy?"
Fuck, I'll give Kent and his criminal cronies some
shock therapy," and all it will involve is a bit of wire and an operable electric outlet.
Listen up Kent, the really important thing for people to know is that they've been had. In their naive ignorance they swallowed the boatloads of bullshit you & your wealthy patrons have been feeding their dumb asses for decades.
Like Dylan once wrote before he started peddling Escalades:
"As soon as you awake
you're trained to take
what looks like the easy way out."
They took the easy way out all right. Spackled over their insecurities & neuroses with continual consumption, defined their self worth with price tags & logos, not realizing that the only "infinite growth" they would really be experiencing is around their waistlines.
They were the rock you motherfuckers have been squeezing blood from for my entire life.
Now, after decades of psychological & economic ass raping, you & your cronies want to bill them for the experience. This is the kind of weasel that calls itself a "Democrat" these days.
Kent's sidekick was David Cote, chairman and CEO of Honeywell International.
Here's Davy plotting the next war with Obama:

David had this to say:
"In my view, Democracies seem to be uniquely suited to putting the traffic light up after the fourth accident.
Now, we can't wait for the fourth accident here.
"It's too easy for the demagogues and the polemicists to respond to something, just kind of go into their neutral corner and screaming, as opposed to saying there's a time to pull together. This is one of those times.
"And it scares me that as a financially conversant CEO, I didn't know how bad this was going to get in the next 10 years. I think the American public is ready for this discussion, but I don't see anybody having that discussion with them, and that needs to happen."
I have to agree with Dave on his assessment of democracy. As a nation, we should have realized these greedy bastards had nothing but their own selfish self interests at heart ages ago. But critical thinking doesn't seem to be the average American's strong point. Hell, thinking in any form is woefully non-existent here in the land of the short attention span.
I really doubt that Dave & his buddies want us to actually "pull together" unless he has some unhealthy urge to look up at his headless body from the inside of a wicker basket.
The last bit is wrong on so many fucking levels, I'll just touch on one.
Dave seems concerned about having an adult discussion with the American people. This from the head of Honeywell who sits at the heart of our lovely military/industrial/entertainment complex which has, over the years, erased all semblance of adult conversation from public discourse.
These fellows seem to have a yen for super-sized adolescents & toddlers since they have helped form a society comprised of little else.
Once again, the major media gives us information that is little more than a gob of seminal ejaculate.
If I've developed any feelings of solidarity from this episode of This Week, it's with this chick:

Honey, I really do understand how you feel.
Too bad long hot showers don't erase the inner stain, eh?