On Tuesday, a search for Trayvon Martin merchandise on Cafe Press—the popular online retailer of personalized products—turned up dozens of pages of results, with sellers offering shirts and hoodies with various messages of support for the slain Florida teen. By Tuesday afternoon, however, a search for "Trayvon" on Cafe Press yielded no results, as did searches on Wednesday and Thursday.
Bummer, I was just going to place my order for 7 Hoodies. One for every day of the week.
Seriously though, ya gotta love Americans. No matter what the tragedy, shopping is always high on their "to do" list. I think Skittles should produce a special Trayvon Martin memorial package. They'd make a killing...ahem...so to speak...
There is at least one item on Cafe Press related to Martin: a $45 hooded sweatshirt supporting the "Million Hoodie March," which his killing inspired.
Thank God for small favors. I'll be marking that date on my calendar. Nothing funnier than Americans marching in circles shouting slogans & carrying placards. The hoodies will just make it all the more amusing.

Marching people change shit Goddammit. Just witness how the Wall Street Occupation Force caused the fall of Wall Street.
Yep. This will be another great day in the history of a great cunt-tree.
Of course, it's too bad that all those white victims of black criminals can't have a march too. I suppose a Million Mullet March would be logistically impossible.
Oh well, once again...
One more thing, now that hoodies are a symbol of solidarity against the evils of racist Hispanic Jews, guys like this:
can rob a place while simultaneously striking a blow for racial equality. Talk about yer multi-tasking.
This is a great fucking Cunt-Tree, innit?
I doubt that there's a greater Cunt-Tree on the entire planet.