That's Brice Taylor, author of "Thanks For The Memories," a book I'd characterize as...well, as completely potty. In it, Taylor details her exploits as a mind controlled by the US government. What makes her story sound the pottiest, is her allegation that one of her "owners" was this guy:
As a child of the 60s, Bob Hope was like my sprightly TV uncle, always around on holidays, making me laugh.
So, Brice was a bit hard to swallow.
But that's the insidious nature of those cathode ray "influencing machines," isn't it?
Watch it long enough, & its altered reality becomes consensus reality.
I mention this, because I just finished Jim Hogshire's book, Grossed Out Surgeon Vomits Inside Patient! An Insider's Look At Supermarket Tabloids and it has this little tidbit of Hope lore presented off handedly, as little more than an interesting anecdote:
"An editor told me he once uncovered information that Bob Hope was having sex with Miss World. Reporting this, however, "would have been like setting fire to Santa Claus. You run a story like that and you lose $100,000 copies.""
Does this mean that I believe Brice?
Not exactly.
It just means that I know absolutely nothing about Leslie Townes Hope.
Nothing but ephemera & illusion.
Which makes anything possible.
Which brings me, quite awkwardly, to a new feature that I plan on running 3 or 4 times every bicentennial, called
"I'm Not Just Any Mongrel Bitch, I'm A Mongrel Faggot!!!"
From the ever contentious Wayne Madsen:
President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.
The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.
Members of Man’s Country are also issued club identification cards. WMR learned that Obama and Emanuel possessed the ID cards, which were required for entry.
Obama began frequenting Man’s Country in the mid-1990s, during the time he transitioned from a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School to his election as an Illinois State Senator in 1996. Emanuel, reportedly joined Man’s Country after he left the Clinton White Hosue and moved back to Chicago in 1998, joining the investment firm of Wasserstein Perella and maintaining his membership during his 2002 campaign for the U.S. 5th District House seat vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who was elected governor.
Man’s Country appears to be a “one stop shopping” center for gay men. The club’s website advertises steam rooms, “fantasy rooms,” bed rooms, male strippers, adult movies, and lockers.
However, Man’s Country was not the only location for Obama’s predatory gay sex activities. The Chicago gay community is aware that Obama often made contacts with younger men at his famous “pick-up basketball” games. It was at these “pick up” matches where Obama first met Emanuel and a young Democratic campaign worker and senior bank vice president named Alexi Giannoulias. Currently running for Obama’s old U.S. Senate seat now occupied by Roland Burris, Giannoulias successfully ran for Illinois Treasurer in 2006 after being drafted for the run by Chicago’s Democratic machine.
The Blagojevich trial: “Sex, Lies, and Audio tapes” — Fitzgerald’s US Attorney’s Office part of White House cover-up of gay sex in the Second City
Giannoulias was a vice president and senior loan officer for his father’s bank, Broadway Bank, from 2002 to 2006. Broadway Bank made real estate loans to Antoin “Tony” Rezko, the chief of Rezmar Corporation. On May 13, 2008, Rezko was found guilty, after being indicted by a grand jury at the behest of the U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois Patrick J. Fitzgerald, of six counts of wire fraud, six counts of mail fraud, two counts of corrupt solicitation, and two counts of money laundering. Rezko has been in solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Detention Center at Van Buren and Clark in Chicago since June 2008. However, Rezko has not yet been officially sentenced to a federal prison. A Syrian-American, Rezko is considered to be a flight risk, even though his one-time fortune of $50 million has been reduced to zero.
One Republican politician in Chicago told WMR that Rezko will be a prime witness for Blagojevich’s defense. “Figure it this way, Rezko’s been in solitary confinement in the city jail since June 0f 2008 . . . if he is released to appear at Blagojevich’s trial as the primary witness, everyone expects him to squeal like a pig,” said the Republican politico.
In 2005, Rezko reportedly engaged in a complicated real estate “flip” through which his wife Rita and Obama agreed to split an empty lot adjoining a home that Obama bought in Chicago’s Kenwood district. The deal saw Obama buy the home for $1.65 million, which was $300,00 below market value. Obama then bought a strip of the adjoining property from Mrs. Rezko, a speculative deal that stood to make Obama a handsome profit. Since Rezko’s conviction, the property has has reportedly gone into bankruptcy. Giannoulias’s Broadway Bank was seized by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation on April 23, 2010, reportedly as Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner was on his way to Chicago to present the bank with a bailout check. Geithner quickly changed his plans.
Giannoulias, Broadway’s then-senior loan officer, has denied being involved in the decision to loan money to Rezko.
Last month, Blagojevich’s trial judge, U.S. District Court judge James Zagel, a crony of former Illinois Republican Governor Jim Thompson, ruled that all 500 hours of phone calls intercepted and taped by Fitzgerald could not be played during Blagojevich’s trial as demanded by Blagojevich and his defense lawyers. Blagojevich demanded that Fitzgerald “show up in court and explain to everybody . . . why you don’t want those tapes that you made played in court.”
WMR has learned that the tapes may contain salty references Obama’s and Emanuel’s private lives.
WMR attempted to interview Blagojevich’s senior defense lawyer Sam Adam to no avail but other informed sources told us that the tapes, if played, would highlight the corruption of not only Obama, Emanuel, and other member of Obama’s Chicago “brain trust” but also Fitzgerald himself. WMR was told that Fitzgerald’s tactics have included providing sex and drugs to imprisoned felons to get them to provide perjured testimony at federal trials.
It is exactly the type of federal prosecutorial misconduct by Fitzgerald that former Republican Governor said was used by state prosecutors when he commuted the death sentences of Illinois’s death row population. Ryan was indicted by Fitzgerald for fraud and he is currently serving out a federal prison sentence.
Blagojevich’s trial is scheduled to begin on June 3 and Fitzgerald’s main interest is to keep the trial focused on Blagojevich, especially after he managed to “flip” Blagojevich’s former chief of staff John Harris to testify against the impeached and ousted governor. WMR learned from informed sources that one lawyer on Harris’s defense team is involved in a gay partner scandal that was discovered by the attorney’s wife.
Some of the wiretaps may reveal that it was not Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s longtime friend and current White House policy adviser who was Obama’s top candidate to fill his U.S. Senate seat, but the young 32-year old “pick up basketball” friend of Obama, Giannoulias, then serving his second year as state Treasurer. However, Obama has avoided campaigning for Giannoulias in Illinois and there are indications that the president has “thrown Giannoulias under the bus,” according to some Democratic political circles in Chicago.
Mutiple Chicago sources report that Republicans who see Giannoulias’s Obama connections as providing an edge in his Senate race this year should not celebrate prematurely. Giannoulias’s GOP opponent, U.S. Representative Mark Kirk, a Naval Reserve intelligence officer, has also been identified as a closeted gay man. Kirk divorced his wife last year after an eight-year marriage. They had no children.
In addition, U.S. Representative Aaron Shock, who took over the House seat vacated by Obama’s Republican Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, is, according to Chicago Boy’s Town sources, a habitué of Minibar, a noted gay bar in Chicago’s gay district. For an extremely young first term member of the House, observers were surprised when GOP Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia named Shock as a Deputy Minority Whip.
Man’s Country, one of Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses” and located at 5015 North Clark Street in Chicago’s “Boystown,” was a frequent hangout for State Senator Obama and Rahm Emanuel
Sources in Chicago’s gay community report that Obama was attracted to Man’s Country’s older white clientele because he generally enjoys being fellated by older white men. Obama would regularly be seen at Man’s Country on Wednesdays.
Obama reportedly has never engaged in reciprocal activity. The sources also confirm the allegations made during the 2008 campaign by Larry Sinclair, a Chicago visitor who revealed that in 1999 he engaged in such oral sex activity and crack cocaine use with then-State senator Obama on two occasions, once in the back of a Chicago limousine operated by Five Star Limousine Service, and the other at a Chicago area motel, the Comfort Suites in Gurnee, Illinois.
After revealing details of the encounter at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, Sinclair was arrested by Washington Metropolitan Police on a fugitive warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of Obama’s vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden. Sinclair was charged with a misdemeanor count of theft of money orders, however, the state of Delaware declined prosecution. Beau Biden later declined to run for his father’s old Senate seat because of his duties to prosecute a major pedophilia case involving Lewes, Delaware pediatrician Dr. Earl Bradley. There are reports that Biden’s office helped to cover up Bradley’s activities, including failing to authorize search warants for Bradley’s office and computer.
Chicago’s “DLC” — not the Democratic Leadership Council but the “Down Low Club” — a gay matchmaking service
WMR spoke to several well-placed sources in Chicago who reported that Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Obama’s former church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) on Chicago’s south side, ran what was essentially a matchmaking service for gay married black professional members of the church, including lawyers and businessmen, particularly those with children. The matchmaking club was called the “Down Low Club” but references to it over the phone and email simply referred to the group with the code phrase “DLC.” The ruse, according to our sources, was to make anyone who was eavesdropping on the communications believe that the references were to the Democratic Leadership Council, also known as the DLC.
The gay DLC’s services were intended to keep ensure TUCC’s gay members avoided posting solicitations on web services like Craig’s List and refrain from cruising gay bars. The strategy was to protect them from getting busted and being “outed.”
Among the members of the gay “DLC” were Obama and TUCC’s choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had a sexual relationship with Obama. Two other gay members of the church were Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. Young and Bland were brutally murdered, execution style, in late 2007. Bland was murdered on November 17, 2007 and Young on December 24, 2007. The latter was killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Spencer reportedly died on December 26, 2007, official cause of death: “septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV.”
“DLC” members often went on camping trips arranged by TUCC. Wright reportedly was the head of the “DLC” matchmaking services and ensured that its members protected each other.
The “DLC’s” clientele included Obama and other gay members of TUCC, including, reportedly Young, Bland, and Spencer. Fox 32 Chicago reported that Bland’s mother, Josephine Bland, was so upset at her son inviting men into their home as a result of contacting them through gay web sites like “Adam4Adam,” she moved out.
The gay community in Chicago knows to keep away from the TUCC and “DLC” stories because of the “creepiness” of the operation and the suspicious deaths of the three TUCC gay black men.
Although Obama protected his alternate life style through the secretiveness of the “DLC,” he was not so careful when he proclaimed he was a state senator while frolicking at Man’s Country in uptown Chicago.
Love: Obama’s personal trainer
Reggie Love, a former Duke basketball and football player and unsuccessful National Basketball hopeful, currently serves as Obama’s personal trainer and White House “special assistant” — he has been called Obama’s “body man” — who receives a salary of $104,000 a year. Love is also reportedly one of Obama’s regular gay sex partners. Love joined Obama’s Senate staff in a senior staff position in 2006.
Media General’s tabloid, the National Enquirer, proffered a story last year about Michelle Obama being furious about the relationship between her husband and his “body man.” TheEnquirer’s sister tabloid, The Globe, later floated a story about Obama having a relationship with a Democratic campaign official named Vera Baker. WMR has been told that this relationship was a clever ruse to throw off speculation about Obama’s actual past sex partners. Baker has apparently left the United States for relatively more obscurity in Martinique. Media General’s tabloids have scooped the mainstream media on sex scandals involving Bill Clinton and Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky, Tiger Woods, and John Edwards and Rielle Hunter.
WMR’s Chicago sources believe the Secret Service records of presidential candidate Obama’s activities in Chicago would show that Obama regularly arrived at Love’s Chicago residence at 9:00 am and departed at 9:15 am. Sources told WMR that while 15 minutes is much too short for a personal training exercise, it is ample time for fellatio.
Bill Frist, “Brokeback Mountain,” and Obama
In 2006, after Obama became the junior senator from Illinois, WMR’s sources in the Congressional Black Caucus reported that there were persistent rumors of gay trysts between Obama and then-GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee. The allegations at the time seemed unbelievable.
However, based on Obama’s penchant for receiving fellatio from older white men, a column written by The Washington Post’s “In the Loop” columnist Al Kamen on April 7, 2006, some four months into Obama’s Senate term, may have expanded relevance. Kamen reported he received an invitation to attend Frist’s “5th Annual VOLPAC ’06 Weekend” in Nashville from April 21st to 23rd and that the invitation card required one to “unbuckle the cowboy’s pants and look inside to see what this was all about.” Kamen opined that the invitation seemed “a bit too ‘Brokeback Mountain.’”
The invitation advertised that the shindig would feature “one-of-a-kind music and special friends,” although Kamen said there was no indication what made the “friends” so “special.” Kamen then wrote, “The back of the card shows the cowboy from behind with a red flowered handkerchief sticking out of his right pocket. Wait a minute — wasn’t there something about how this used to be some kind of code in the gay community years ago? A way to signal each other in crowded, noisy bars? So we checked the’s Hanky Codes. Sure enough, there it was in the chart explaining what they mean: red hanky in right pocket. Oh, dear.”
Rumors about Obama and Frist ran amok in Congressional Black Caucus circles in 2006.
Although Frist ran on the pledge of only serving two terms, he became Senate Majority Leader with all the perks of the office. WMR’s sources in Chicago’s gay community revealed that Frist’s Majority Leader predecessor, Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, was also known to seek the services of male prostitutes. Frist, who said he planned to run for President in 2006, decided against a run for the White House and also declined a run for Tennessee governor in 2010.
With the rumor mill running at full speed in 2006, it is obvious why Frist abandoned politics so quickly for the medical business. Frist later endorsed Obama’s health care proposals. A year later, when GOP Senator Larry Craig was arrested while soliciting for sex in a men’s toilet stall at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, he changed his mind about immediately resigning his Senate seat. Knowing about his colleagues’ behavior, he dug in his heels and completed his term in January 2009.
Rahm the “Sugar Daddy”
Obama’s chief of staff Emanuel, who won a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet but turned it down to attend college, is married and, like Obama, has children, in Emanuel’s case, a son and two daughters.
However, Emanuel, who is 50, also travel frequently with a male companion, a wealthy Chicago real estate developer, some five to six years his senior. WMR has learned from Chicago’s gay community as well as political sources that Emanuel and his friend have gone together on a trip to India, skiing vacations, and soon plan a vacation in Florida, sans Mrs. Emanuel and the kids.
In Chicago’s gay community, Emanuel is known as “sugar daddy,” promising young men with perks and lucrative positions if they sleep with him. On occasion, Emanuel has been with older men, such as his travel companion, but his preference is young, according to WMR’s sources. Emanuel also often uses bicycling and basketball venues to make his approaches. Being an Emanuel “basketball buddy” is a key to professional success.
WMR spoke to one member of the gay community in Chicago who had first hand knowledge of one of Emanuel’s bed partners, an older man who runs a non-profit symphony organization.
Obama’s other sex partners
WMR has previously reported on Obama’s past trysts with Alabama Democratic U.S. Representative Artur Davis, a current primary candidate for governor of Alabama. Although not in the same class, Obama and Davis attended Harvard Law School during an overlap of their attendance at the law school.
The information on Davis and Obama was gathered by opposition researchers for former Alabama Representative Earl Hilliard, who Davis defeated in the 2002 Democratic primary. Recently, WMR was informed by sources in Alabama that Attorney General Eric Holder traveled three days ago to Alabama to inform Davis that if he loses his primary race, he would be nominated by Obama to fill the job of U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, a position still held by Bush-appointee Leura Canary, one of the main prosecutors of convicted and jailed former Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman.
Chicago sources also informed WMR of another past gay partner of Obama, Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick.
Men who have reportedly had sexual relations with Barack Obama
* Donald Young, TUCC Choir director
* Larry Sinclair, gay escort
* Reggie Love, White House presidential assistant and Obama’s “body man”
* Artur Davis, US Representative from Alabama and gubernatorial candidate
* Bill Frist, former GOP Senate Majority Leader
* Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts
The Clear and Present Blackmail Threat
Leading secret alternate life styles, Obama and his chief of staff provide classic blackmail threats. Considering Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, who is reputedly a semi-open lesbian, the question must be posed how much Obama’s and Emanuel’s own covert life styles led to the decision to nominate Kagan, someone with no experience on a judicial bench. Similarly, the fact that so much is known about Obama’s and Emanuel’s trysts in Chicago begs another important question. If politicians, gay community activists, and journalists in the Windy City are aware of Obama’s and Emanuel’s highly blackmailable gay life styles, the same can certainly hold true for the executives of one of Chicago’s corporate headquarters — that of BP America’s Production Operations.
Throw in the intelligence agencies of America’s allies, friends, enemies, and the situation becomes a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.
I really don't know what to make of that one. I post it in its entirety because one website has already been forced to remove it. It deserves to exist somewhere, even if its just in a shady dive like this one. Ultimately, if Obama is living life as a closeted gay president, I find that I really don't give a fuck.
What does give it some credence is this:

Yep, it's a tabloid. & we're back to Hogshire's book where he insists, quite vociferously, that tabloids pass every story like this through a team of lawyers, who remove anything that could be construed as libelous.
Hogshire's book is not a fawning screed by a tabloid defender. He is quite thorough in detailing the intelligence connections to the tabloids, most notably Generoso Pope, former owner of The National Enquirer, who sponsored many expensive fact finding missions to political hot spots like Uganda under Idi Amin. Fact finding missions that, mysteriously, seemed to never produce a story.
So, your guess is as good as mine.
"I'm Not Just Any Mongrel Bitch, I'm A Mongrel Faggot!!!"
Superb!! Not even Mastercard can cover the cost of that's Priceless!!
I think the Manchurian Candidate's handlers need to schedule another visit to The View where they can question his sexual orientation to which his reply would be "I'm a cock-socking, fudge-packing, bath house frequenting queer bait faggot." The right would stomp their feet, per their training, the liberal left would praise him for his crude honesty, and the rest, a very slim minority, would bake another cake for the one that's just been taken.
What's lost in all of that, you ask? Try everything.
Focus on the deceit. Shadows on the walls, and the bats that harangue us all and only few can see. Never, ever give any of it the legitimacy it seeks to induce. Treat it with satirical scorn and irreverence, for it deserves nothing better. Satirical irreverence is the corrosive oxidation that begins the process of molecularly decoupling this metaphorical Iron Beast that enshrouds us. It's only the beginning of that process, but still a necessary catalyst in the process of System Busting.
Rothschild-NWO-CIA Satanists Torture Whistleblower
(August 5, 2010) These are the cruel practices of the New World Order of Satanists
Mother got a letter addressed to me which my sister opened. It turned out to be a SEP-IRA retirement account in my name for a tad over $19,000. That puzzled me. I had set up a SEP-IRA retirement account while I was a medical doctor to pay less taxes, but thought I had already cashed it in.
The CIA tortures me so badly to deny me access to my accounts that it is very hard for me to think about these matters. I have sent a letter to Sentinel Investments to cash in about half of the amount, though I have to pay penalties as I am not old enough to get it as a retirement payment.
The CIA, alas, tortured me for writing the letter to get the funds sent. It cost me 22 hours of hard torture over 4 nights. It makes me cry inside how badly I am treated for even trying to get ahold of my own money.
It is so unfair! This is the New World Order of Satanists doing this to me.
The Rothschild family are the ones ordering my torture in this cruel, illegal, and completely unfair fashion.
Glad you liked it Shrub. Put it down to the un-PC irreverence of the totally inconsequential. My almost total invisibility lets me say pretty much anything.
Plus, the whole idea of a closeted gay president is incredibly fucking funny.
It makes me want to ask, "So Mr. President, where do you stick your cigars?"
Eric, Sue Ann's sister had this to say about Sue Ann:
"I believe that my sister Sue Ann has been having periodic bouts of paranoid schizophrenia since about 15 years ago. She is convinced that our father was both a member of the CIA and the Mafia, and that he inducted her at a young age into intelligence activities, and that she has been under mind control since then, and subject to frequent kidnapping and threats by agents, wherever she is in the world. However, she has no material or historical evidence of this other than her later memories and physical symptoms, as she reported recently for supposedly being kidnapped in Ireland in early June 2007. I talked by telephone with my mother who was with her right afterwards and accompanied her to the doctor and the police, and my mother now believes Sue Ann is subject to hallucinations.
"Our father, born 1914, served 20 years in the U.S. military, about 1941-61, in Europe, the Pentagon, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. His work was logistics, not intelligence. I lived with him in Taiwan 1963-68; my sisters had virtually no contact with him after 1962. He is senile now, in San Francisco, and I sorted through most of his papers during the last few summers. He is not a pleasant personality, but I am certain he had no such CIA contacts or capacity.
"If any consistent check were made on Sue Ann's schooling and employment for the last 30 years, it would be obvious that her current allegations of service as a CIA medic are pure fantasy, even if well-informed by public knowledge of current issues in U.S. government behavior.
"There are enough real victims of U.S. military and intelligence actions; it is not surprising, perhaps, that victims of schizophrenia like my sister should feed on these accounts. "
Eric, I don't know Sue Ann or her sister so I can't say where the truth lies. Although, it seems odd that the CIA would "torture" her by "denying" her "access to her accounts." Seems kind of lame.
Also, they apparently missed the IRA account.
My guess is that Sue Ann spent 22 hours writing a letter because her illness has jumbled her thought processes. Rather than saying, "Hey, I'm ill," the paranoiac needs an external cause, hence the ever popular CIA.
My other problem with Sue Ann's story is that it fits too neatly into the "Jewish bankers did it" category.
Not that I like bankers, but most bankers aren't Jewish.
To me, these stories are wonderful for diverting any serious examination away from our lovely financial system & relegating it to the land of cracked pottery.
Like I said Eric, I don't believe Brice Taylor & her stories, I just think I have to be more careful regarding my reasons for dismissing them.
Anyway, even if the Monarch stories are true, that doesn't necessarily mean that one should believe every claim.
The Internet spurts these stories out of every one of its orifices. It wouldn't be particularly difficult to tailor one's illness towards the popular zeitgeist, thereby gaining a nice reinforcing echo chamber for one's illness.
If Monarch exists, widely disseminated fake claims that are easily disproved will do nothing but blur an already blurry picture.
These stories also do a disservice to the people like Robert Naeslund who have a plethora of evidence to back their claims.
There's no doubt that governments experiment on their citizens.
There's no doubt that mind control, in many different forms, does exist.
That doesn't make every Internet claim true.
But, then again, you never know...
That's not Bob Hope in that picture, is it? Nah, it's Don Vito Corleone in his latter years after he was gunned down in the street whilst Fredo fumbled his piece. Here. take a gander, and tell me I'm fibbing.
I hate to quote Tommy Smothers here but the sister story was a very tepid toe from the bridge over troubled waters. If they don't make rules where's the foul?
I suggest you have been gatekeeping these issues far too long. Take the plunge. You never know if they let you up to breathe again.
If I'm gatekeeping, then they stuck me with a really fucking isolated gate to keep.
What is the hourly gatekeeper wage anyway?
I'm due for a raise soon I think.
I tell you what Eric, I'll take the plunge when you find someone who doesn't sound mentally ill without the government's help.
The folk I've seen who appear believable don't seem to attribute every fucked up aspect of their fucked up lives to government interference.
One would need a pretty big leap of faith to transform Bob Hope the philanderer into Bob Hope the mind controlled slave owner.
Lots & lots & lots of men cheat on their wives.
Lots & lots & lots of wives cheat on their husbands.
Lots & lots & lots of hot young women throw themselves at wealthy & famous older men.
Absolutely nothing earth shattering or unique about Bob's behavior that I can see.
Actually Shrub, I keep wondering if Bob's wiener ski slopes like his nose.
I also wonder if he sings Thanks For The Mammaries while he's balls deep in Miss World
It is normal that some men are born with a curvature of the penis. This however is not a sign of Peyronies disease. Peyronie's affects around 3% of men from age 35 and older. Still in recent studies some doctors are claiming that this condition is prevalent in as much as 10% of men but because of it's intimate nature it remains highly under reported. The severity of the condition varies from man to man. Some men may go through the condition without any lasting damage while others could go impotent. Erectile dysfunction can become a problem especially when the rigidity of the penis is affected. In the event that impotence occurs, the treatment is surgery.
Just sayin...
These two gentlemen do a great job of covering the Obama Mongrel comment. He was correct about the "mixed up" part but not for the reasons he believes. Wow!!
I just found out that Judy Garland and the Wizard of Oz used to be a kind of code used by homosexuals. The Wizard of Oz and Ms. Garland were common idols of the homosexual community. They just loved their Wizard and Dorthy.
This kind of focus on the word "mongrel" is a common technique used to tiptoe around issues and mudsling. For example, liberal democrats and conservative republicans, while running for office, will not remain too close to their side (left or right) to win over the majority of voters. The majority of voters are moderate. They may vote either way. So in order not to offend their own side and win votes they mudsling and runaround issues of significance. This is the process of how most politicians get elected.
We are distracted by focusing on the president's use of the word mongrel. We pay an overly amount of attention to this concern and mudsling to prove a point. Instead of discussing the fact that the president declaration, as a candidate, that he would pull the troops out of the Middle East has not happened almost 2 years after his election for example.
Moderation is the popularity contest that politicians master. He said, she said, he can't, she can't... It is all a waste of our time. The valuable issues are placed aside and the political process becomes glamorous again and again. It is a clever and common act. Like a Hollywood production.
"I just found out that Judy Garland and the Wizard of Oz used to be a kind of code used by homosexuals. The Wizard of Oz and Ms. Garland were common idols of the homosexual community. They just loved their Wizard and Dorthy."
That's interesting Mr. B. I've been reading a bit about Jim Garrison's case against Clay Shaw and I get the impression that, instead of a Kennedy assassination cover-up, Garrison really stumbled on a cover-up of the New Orleans gay sub-culture.
This was the 60s in the south, & I doubt "closeted" is a strong enough euphemism for that eras gay camouflage.
Interesting isn't it.
I just fell on a bit of knowledge about our nations anti-miscegenation laws. These laws banned interracial marriages and relationships. These laws originate in the colonies of Virginia and Maryland in the 1660's. In December 1912 and January 1913, Representative Seaborn Roddenbery (Democrat of Georgia) introduced a proposal in the United States House of Representatives to insert a prohibition of miscegenation into the US Constitution and thus create a nation-wide ban on interracial marriage.
Roddenbery's proposed amendment was also a direct reaction to African American heavyweight champion Jack Johnson's marriages to white women, first to Etta Duryea and then to Lucille Cameron. In 1908, Johnson had become the first black boxing world champion, having beaten Tommy Burns.
In his speech introducing his bill before the United States Congress, Roddenbery compared the marriage of Johnson and Cameron to the enslavement of white women, and warned of future civil war that would ensue if interracial marriage was not made illegal nationwide:
"No brutality, no infamy, no degradation in all the years of southern slavery, possessed such villainious character and such atrocious qualities as the provision of the laws of Illinois, Massachusetts, and other states which allow the marriage of the negro, Jack Johnson, to a woman of Caucasian strain. [applause]. Gentleman, I offer this resolution ... that the States of the Union may have an opportunity to ratifty it. ... Intermarriage between whites and blacks is repulsive and averse to every sentiment of pure American spirit. It is abhorrent and repugnant to the very principles of Saxon government. It is subversive of social peace. It is destructive of moral supremacy, and ultimately this slavery of white women to black beasts will bring this nation a conflict as fatal as ever reddened the soil of Virginia or crimsoned the mountain paths of Pennsylvania. ... Let us uproot and exterminate now this debasing, ultra-demoralizing, un-American and inhuman leprosy"
One of the adamant concerns of the Ku Klux Klan.
I'm trying to stay on topic but haven't figured out just what that topic would be. I was out yard sailing this morning and came across a computer tower with keyboard that had one of those old monitors for 5 bucks. The seller says he had a computer tech scrub the hard drive and the modem needed to be hardwired which is why the kids didn't like it anymore. I didn't buy it.
Instead, for the same 5 bucks, I picked up a couple of handsaws that this old downsizer had for sale that had belonged to his father. His son had a ps2 with 4 controllers and 20 games going for 120.. I didn't buy that either.
My question to Bigfoot..what does a guy living in a cave do for entertainment?
My question to Bigfoot..what does a guy living in a cave do for entertainment?
He yard sails and posts to JAD.
This was the 60s in the south, & I doubt "closeted" is a strong enough euphemism for that eras gay camouflage.
Even though New Orleans is geographically The South, it is decidedly not The South. It has a very distinctive culture and sub-cultures that differentiate it from the remainder of the Deep South.
That being said, I would imagine being gay in New Orleans in the 1960's and prior was handled very much the way homosexuality is handled in Egypt today.
We are distracted by focusing on the president's use of the word mongrel.
Who is, or are "we?" I'm not distracted by the president's use of the word mongrel in the least. I'm perfectly capable of seeing the prick for what he is, and when it comes right down to it, the president is a distraction in and of himself, not just what he says. He's illegitimate, just as this whole system of deceit, this cave, is illegitimate.
If you stop and think about it, Belliosto, engaging in a debate about Obama not really pulling out of Iraq, and escalating the war in Afghanistan is nothing more than a distraction. How does that help bust the System? I think everybody here knows why the West is engaged in war in the Middle East, so to debate semantics is a waste of time. Why not focus on busting our chains and obliterating the cave walls, rather than discuss the shadows on the wall?
Actually, Eric had it right about the Wizard of Oz involving China. The Yellow Brick Road alludes to what we in the West call the Bread of Life. It's Wheat, and it is our own destruction that we consume and worship as the centerpiece of our Western Culture. Soon, the Chinese will harvest us, just as we have harvested and consumed the poisonous Yellow Brick Road of wheat for several thousand years.
The globe-spanning presence of wheat and its exalted status among secular and sacred institutions alike differentiates this food from all others presently enjoyed by humans. Yet the unparalleled rise of wheat as the very catalyst for the emergence of ancient civilization has not occurred without a great price. While wheat was the engine of civilization’s expansion and was glorified as a “necessary food,” both in the physical (staff of life) and spiritual sense (the body of Christ), those suffering from celiac disease are living testimony to the lesser known dark side of wheat. A study of celiac disease may help unlock the mystery of why modern man, who dines daily at the table of wheat, is the sickest animal yet to have arisen on this strange planet of ours......
In this article I have proposed that celiac disease be viewed not as a rare “genetically-determined” disorder, but as an extreme example of our body communicating to us a once universal, species-specific affliction: severe intolerance to wheat. Celiac disease reflects back to us how profoundly our diet has diverged from what was, until only recently a grain free diet, and even more recently, a wheat free one. We are so profoundly distanced from that dramatic Neolithic transition in cultural time that “missing is any sense that anything is missing.” The body, on the other hand, cannot help but remember a time when cereal grains were alien to the diet, because in biological time it was only moments ago.
There's no place like do we find our way back?
Morocco, this chain-busting concern of humanity's want to destroy the walls of the establishment is an ancient one. To say we have to knock down the walls and establish a better system to live by is rather broad and vague. Usually the state, religious, and commerce monoliths eat themselves into oblivion, and, as pieces of meat, humanity picks up and continues to build more systems that are equally corrupted as the last ones that fell. We know this.
Thomas More's 1516 book title Utopia is translated into English from the Latin: Dē optimō reī pūblicae statū dēque novā īnsulā Ūtopiā, to Of a republic's best state and of the new island Utopia.
In the book Plato doubtless did well foresee, unless kings themselves would apply their minds to the study of philosophy, that else they would never thoroughly allow the council of philosophers, being themselves before, even from their tender age, infected and corrupt with perverse and evil opinions.
More seems to contemplate the duty of philosophers to work around and in real situations and, for the sake of political expediency, work within flawed systems to make them better, rather than hoping to start again from first principles.
I think one would have to be fully ingrained within the upper echelons of the establishment to affect any real improvements to the systems of government and commerce. The ones literally rubbing shoulders with the giants. The little man, rich or poor, in his state of agency, is too gullible and uninvolved to do anything but what the elite expect him to do. By climbing the ladders of rank one has a better ability to affect serious change within the whole pyramid of power. As "we" know it is the few that ruin it for the many. Elite and non-elite understand this clearly.
The elite would have to sacrifice their positions for the benefit of the whole to have a system that functions to the non-elites gain. To let the small man do his own thing, without harming others along the way. Instead the few elites seek to benefit at the expense of the small man over and over again.
Internet posters have the First Amendment and the elite wink at us, as if saying, "we the people" are allowed to speak our minds here. Until the tyranny turns black, and men knock our doors down, we are enabled by the white tyranny of the elite. To fight against the "powers that be" one would have to be an Harvard or Yale graduate and a CFR member, etc... Also foreign bodies of equal power can damage the systems of the elite. Otherwise, elites enable us to have our way from time to time to keep us comfortable in our "pursuits of happiness." It is impossible for the little people to effect any real change unless the elite lets it happen.
I found out more about the Wiz of Oz connections to the gays. Within the San Francisco gay community the question, "Are you with Dorthy?" was codespeak for, Are you gay? There's no place like home is home is the gay community. We are not living in Kansas anymore. Also Alice in Wonderland is linked directly to drug use and partying.
The homosexual community has galvanized into the minority we never knew hates us. There is a conspiracy afoot where the "gay" brigade tried to bring down the American government and they would have succeeded if the last flight out had left on time. Instead of taking out the Capitol building, it smashed into a field in Shanksville.
Now who do you suppose engineered all the parts for a 911 insurrection against the United States of America?
Well Richard called for just one sane voice with credible research to prove a conspiracy theory. It's a done deal Richie Rich. Too bad you will circumvent your own "openmindedness" just to wrap up a short story in double time.
Listen to the broadcasts on the Rayelan Allen program. They run every Wednesday.
Hey's the China Syndrome in toto...
Hey Belliosto. Deep concerns yield deep thoughts. I was looking at a geography site today and specifically at the issue of density. The U.S. is not as crowded as you think. Eugenics is a fake front for psycopaths.
Belliosto, concerning your post at 3:25, why bother commenting about distractions in your 9:31 post? Since distractions, according to your logic, are a gift bequeathed to us via our superior overlords, and there is nothing we can do to change our lowly status, we should welcome, embrace and thoroughly enjoy our gifted distractions and hope that the superior overlords remain relatively benevolent, if that's what you can call it, and change the system for the better when and if they have the time and inclination.
Have you ever seen the movie Thank You For Smoking? Your last diatribe reminded me of the pitchman in that movie. Resistance is futile. Thank You For Living.
For the record, I was referring to the system so commonly, and fondly, referred to as Civilization, not the various sub-systems that have come and gone under its historical umbrella.
Thanks for that link, Eric. Velly intellesting.
By the way, Genghis Kahn made his vassals grow wheat not so much as tribute, but to keep them sufficiently weak so they could never pose a threat against his superiorly nourished garrisons. Notice how wheat has not been a main staple of the Oriental diet, and as such, traditionally, Orientals have not suffered many of the dietary inflicted afflictions witnessed in the West.
Of course, in regards to my previous comment, that's all quickly changing now as China and The West fuse into one Totalitarian Corporate State with various regions. China's consumption of grain fed beef is increasing exponentially as their Middle Class burgeons. Genghis Kahn is rolling in his grave.
My logic has nothing to do with it. I'm not rubbing shoulders with the elitists. If I was then my logic might mean something if I am trying to make civilization better. Otherwise I am just a lowly individual that most people don't really want to talk with about improving civilization and an individual that many people would rather make fun of for kicks.
Your heart may be genuinely saying fight the system, but the system put that into your heart. Are you leading a charge into changing civilization for the better? If so is civilization going to get better communicating with me? It is better to accept me as an equal to yourself than believing that you can be or are more superior than I am.
So I may be a person to you who accepts the elite as superior overlords giving us gifts. I dictate that resistance is futile. How about trying to scapegoat me into believing this kind of negative consensus is valuable. I have heard this kind of protest time and time again. We have to do something to resist. I ask go into detailed specifics about what exactly is your plan to effect change in civilization that would get us out of our caves into true action?
There is no need to continually try to look down on others as do-nothings when you can take a look in the mirror and see who the real do-nothing is. I'm interested in conversations and knowledge. I'm not interested in playing games with leader wannabes who find it difficult to accept individuals dislike to follow.
ericswan I read about 30 people per km in the US.
Basically shrub if you are concerned with assisting civilization's betterment, you can start with showing a fellow internet poster, me, some respect. If you are going to read my posts, concentrate and try to better understand the meanings. You sometimes tend to misunderstand the meanings of what I posted and jump the gun with negative assumptions about my character. You can be judged as a waste of time to others.
Will I be correct to assume that you will be angry with this post or think I'm stupid? I encourage you to concentrate and try to understand its meaning as opposed to thinking that this is a challenge to you and/or a personal attack on your integrity.
Eric, I've experienced Raylan's wisdom.
I've seen her shovel some shit also.
Ever hear of a psychological operation's term "the double bubble."
That's when intelligence people ejaculate a gooey gob of crapola into the public eye.
They provide ample documentation & ample detail.
Then, when the story is swallowed, hook, line & sinker, they make it look ridiculous.
An excellent example would be all the underground alien bases/Majestic 12 treaty with the aliens/underground alien base shinola that still muddies the ufological waters quite nicely.
All, I am 99% sure, were created by Richard Doty & the AFOSI.
They fed it to Bennewitz & drove him bonkers, they fed it to Moore & made him look like a government stooge, & they fed it to Linda Moulton Howe & made her look utterly credulous.
Then, after it had planted deep roots, they started trashing it, most notably during that one network UFO special where disguised members of "the Aviary" made the entire story look ludicrous with their stories of how the aliens loved strawberry ice cream & Tibetan music.
Stories that join that onetime female head of MUFON & alien abductee, whose name escapes me,
who had an "abduction experience" upon an alien spaceship where all the aliens wore cowboy boots.
She insisted they abducted her so she could teach them line dancing.
The Doty story was so successful that it became a TV series known as the X-Files which, wonder of wonders, featured Doty as a consultant and, eventually, a script writer, where he wrote one episode.
I have to agree with Belliosto, Eric.
"Internet posters have the First Amendment and the elite wink at us, as if saying, "we the people" are allowed to speak our minds here. Until the tyranny turns black, and men knock our doors down, we are enabled by the white tyranny of the elite. To fight against the "powers that be" one would have to be an Harvard or Yale graduate and a CFR member, etc... Also foreign bodies of equal power can damage the systems of the elite. Otherwise, elites enable us to have our way from time to time to keep us comfortable in our "pursuits of happiness." It is impossible for the little people to effect any real change unless the elite lets it happen."
I'd also add that if we were raised as "the elite" were raised, we'd act no different.
Basically shrub if you are concerned with assisting civilization's betterment
You're the one who is disrespectful and misunderstanding of my posts, Belliosto, not the other way around.. I'm not concerned with the betterment of Civilization, I'm concerned with something better than Civilization, or beyond Civilization. You and Richard seem to feel smug and content that we are what we are, this is what it is, and we shouldn't whine about wanting anything more for humanity and this universe, and I would say to both of you, why the fuck are you even posting here, and why does Richard even have a blog, if that's the way you feel? You're either both liars, or you enjoy taking contrary positions as though it's sport. The mere fact that both of you complain about the system so derisively, and I'm no different, underscores the fact that you want something better. Why is it so difficult for either of you to admit that? Does it make you feel vulnerable?
Instead, the message you are articulating, the words that belie your actions and intent, is that this is as good as it gets, so my question to you is then why bother to post or search the internet at all, if you already have the answer for which you are searching? What's the point.
Belliosto, I don't think I'm superior, I don't think you're stupid and I don't hate you. I don't know you, Belliosto, except for what you type here, and that's not really knowing you, is it? So how can I make a judgment about you, personally, if this is all I have with which to make that judgment? I'm just responding to your words and calling it as I understand it. My posting style is intense and highly sarcastic......I would even go as far as to say I'm caustic, like soda ash.
I do read your posts, Belliosto, and if I misunderstand them, it's incumbent upon you to provide more clarity if it means anything to you to be understood.
In regards to me revealing what I've been doing to resist, since you appear quite convinced that I have done nothing to resist and that I'm just a bloviating fool typing away to an apathetic and unpersuaded audience on the internet, then there's no need or value in me self-righteously proclaiming my personal actions of resistance.
I will say this, I come to this blog because I see it as one small part of resistance to the system because much of what we talk about here, and other places such as RI, is a decoding, a greater understanding, of the system and an irreverent sneer and turning of the cheek at it. That's a start, because it undermines the legitimacy of said system, and it's the very reason I took umbrage with your post that appeared to me to say resistance is futile, this is what it is, hope and pray the elite remain relatively benevolent and shut the hell up.
There is no need to continually try to look down on others as do-nothings when you can take a look in the mirror and see who the real do-nothing is.
Show me where I said anyone here is a do nothing? Come on, put up. Show me the evidence.
But here's the rub, Belliosto, you are so close and yet you can't smell it. Doing nothing is part of the answer to breaking this system, because the way it's set up is that in order to live, you must feed the beast in some way, unless you're a primitive isolated tribe or mountain folk in the appalachian hills. Considering that, feeding that beast to the least extent possible whilst still maintaining some semblance of quality of life, is imperative for a bottom up evolution.
I should have checked my almanac before I posted. That would be the Poor Richard version. My link to Rayelan was site specific. It is and is live on Rayelan's radio program (linked at this site) to her Wednesday program. Nothing whatsoever to do with the Majestic 12, the Aviary or aliens in my underpants.
Specifially, the interviewee..David Hawkins, is from Vancouver, is head of a political party here in British Columbia and specifically, is a forensic economist. His forte and interest in 911 is to follow the money. This rabbit hole is not for the Alice in chains type of mentality and is not "parrotted" anywhere else. The program is incredibly fresh and the revelations that will be realized this particular Wednesday prolly haven't even been collated as we speak. This is work in progress. I don't agree with everything David Hawkins has to say but much of what he offers is beyond my abilities to comprehend. All the programs are archived at the above site but this has been ongoing for a couple of years and is well documented.
If I were to cut to the chase and make a salient point or two..
Bush had nothing to do with 911.
Bush was the target of 911.
The coup that was attempted through the attack of 911 is multi-layered. Hawkins has not arrived at the conclusion of his investigation.
I posted the solution to all of the world's problems back in the day where we all met. Save seeds. Compost. Network with you neighbours.
For me, being self-sufficient in food, warmth and shelter, frees my mind, body and soul. I listened to a radio program yesterday, where compost is used as a water heater for batheing and heating in the winter and feeding the family farm in the spring. The preppers are on the move. If you haven't heard Dr. John Waterman's program, you may not be aware of the the prepper movement.
Hey Eric, I occasionally sneak out of the bat cave to go surfing, otherwise there's not a lot of entertainment going on in my life at the moment, unless you consider my father who's riddled with cancer as entertaining or watching my mother have a nervous breakdown fun or caring for my sick old cat (my dear old friend), working a shit job for shit money, the fckn list goes on mate...sorry to be a downer, it's been tough going lately.
Cheers to you all for the interesting info & comments, but regarding this 'elite' debate I tend to agree with Morocco, fuck em! Resistance is fertile.
Mr. Foot, you have my sympathies on more than one level. You're aware of the parental one, while the feline one was more recent. My cat Rudy, a family member for 15 years, developed a brain tumor that grew to the size of 3 golf balls in his forehead. It had eaten his left eye & each air intake sounded like he had a little lawn mower in his head. On the Friday before my birthday (Aug. 9th), he stopped eating. By Monday, the 9th, blood was continually dripping from his nose, & he appeared too weak to move under his own power. At that point, I knew I held onto the little guy too long, mostly for selfish reasons, so I took him to be euthanized. I then dug a grave in my backyard & we buried him.
The odd thing about that cat is I knew, beyond a shadow of doubt, that if he had about 75 more pounds on him, he'd have eaten me if given the chance.
A fact that made me love him all the more.
Eric, the alien shit was AN EXAMPLE, used as an ILLUSTRATION.
A better example may have been the Brits disinformation campaign against the Irish, where the British attempted to label the IRA as little more than Kremlin stooges.
My point is that there are so many layers of shit flowing through the inter-pipes, it is extremely difficult to see the clear water.
My experience of Rayelan is a year or two old pal, so lighten the fuck up. I'll give it a listen when I have time. I worked 4 shifts in 2 days & I was talking to you at 2 in the morning on about 5 1/2 hours sleep since Friday morning.
Shrub, I can envision a world Beyond Civilization. It's called a Hunter/Gatherer society. Since its initial stages will be marred by a distinct lack of shit to either hunt or gather, one would best be served by developing a taste for barbecued long pig since it will be in abundant supply.
At least for a while.
Guns & ammo would also be a very prudent shopping choice.
Shrub, just because I liked one paragraph of Mr. B's post doesn't mean I agree with it all. Or that I disagree with you. My feelings, whether hopeful/hopeless, empathy laden/misanthropic flavored sometimes change from day to day.
Often, after spending long periods as human toilet paper, the only thing I really want is to find the button marked "DESTRUCT" & blow the living shit out of everything.
In other words, goodbye, good day & good riddance Earth.
If that makes me a pointless twerp, so be it.
Really Shrub, if you haven't figured out that I think my life has been pretty damn pointless, you haven't been paying attention.
All right, Morocco I understand you a little bit more. Yes, we are strangers and that's a damn good thing. You know what I mean. I did not appreciate the insinuation that I somehow am saying yeah, yeah, just conform and take it easy, be happy hahaha. All is relative. uh uh yeah, yeah huh huh huh what's the use? huh huh huh no need to talk or share knowledge. I said shut up. yeah, yeah yeah huh huh huh
Okay. Do you understand my point? I still am in the understanding that there are things we can do. I was conveying the belief of what is part of our situation with the overlords without fear of embarrassment. I still feel strongly about the fight, so to speak, lies with the ones who made it to the level of the elites as potential warriors. These are the ones that can warp and distort any negative influences of the NWO. Not arrogant ones who shout at the top of their lungs that we must fight against the elite as regular joes.
Like Carlin's disgust of the term Just Do It. Nike's backbone. Rebel, just do it, be stupid and who cares. Just Do It.
Being strangers can be a good thing. Thanks for enlightening me a little about your perspective on things. I'll try my best to do the same.
Not arrogant ones who shout at the top of their lungs that we must fight against the elite as regular joes.
I never said that, either. Resistance is not's depriving.
The Elite, for the reasons Richard states, are not going to disturb their nest egg. They're indoctrinated to do what they do, with few exceptions, and those few exceptions aren't going to make the difference. The catalyst for change has to be bottom up and it must begin with, as its centerpiece, resistance, non-cooperation and deprivation.
Like Carlin's disgust of the term Just Do It. Nike's backbone. Rebel, just do it, be stupid and who cares. Just Do It.
I also have disgust for that tactic and term. Whatever you do in regards to resistance, deprivation and non-cooperation, it should be calculated and well thought out. You should research, review, stop, look, listen and contemplate prior to doing anything, otherwise you are just a manipulated, impulsive unconscious fool.....which is exactly what the faux agitators want in their activist stooges.
Yes, we are strangers and that's a damn good thing. You know what I mean.
No, I don't know what you mean. Let me take a guess, though. Had we been in physical proximity to one another during this interchange you would have physically threatened me? Is that what you mean? If not, clarify what you mean.
Morroco, I am responding to the not really knowing you comment in your post 4:37.
I don't know you, Belliosto, except for what you type here, and that's not really knowing you, is it? So how can I make a judgment about you, personally, if this is all I have with which to make that judgment?
We are not in physical proximity with each other that's true. My point (unbelievably) is that we are many miles apart and we communicate using Dick's blog as strangers, right? So I am uncharacteristically saying that, as strangers, we can do this utilizing the world wide web. I'm verifying the fact that we do communicate, as strangers, and this is not a bad thing.
My posting style is intense and highly sarcastic......I would even go as far as to say I'm caustic, like soda ash.
That can be verified. Your posting style can make communications awkward. Your hinted negative insinuations of other posters characters, and not just principles can prompt one to consider feedback as wasteful.
No, I do not have problems with you . I actually learn from some your posts. The harmfulness of wheat had been brought to my attention a year ago by a theologian. He had researched this and explained that, (this from my memory) something to the effect that, our bodies are not reproduced to ingest a large amount of wheat. We cannot be satisfied with wheat intake. Also, if you recall, people were getting sick after ingesting the bread that represented Jesus's death and resurrection. Illness is associated with bread.
Yeah, Morocco I am born into the Deaf community. I literally know hundreds of deaf people. Miscommunication and misunderstanding is as normal to me as breathing air. This is an understatement.
I have never impugned your character on this blog, Belliosto, so please don't falsely accuse me of something I have never done. I do misinterpret the intent and meaning of posts that need further clarification, so if it's overly cryptic, I'll either ask for further clarification, or just have fun with it, or blow it off, rather than attacking it. Does that sound fair enough?
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