Heck, that's only a bit over 44 million people.
The Washington Post, a bastion of the "liberal media," tried the Negative Nora approach:
"We talk to many people on Capitol Hill who do believe poverty is important and is a blight on our nation," said Weinstein, executive director of the Coalition on Human Needs, an alliance of national organizations that advocates for the poor. "But we are also up against a general recognition that poor people don't vote in great numbers. And they certainly aren't going to be making campaign contributions. That definitely puts them behind many other people and interests when decisions are being made around here."
Oh, quit whining ya big crybaby.
Everyone knows poor people are poor because they're not "right with God."
The Big Yah do love the moneyed motherfuckers bitch.
So what?
If the poor weren't such shiftless lazy motherfuckers, they wouldn't be poor, now would they?
Some other crybaby was recently whining about how 77% of Americans are living pay check to pay check, only one catastrophe away from total ruin.
That's only about 249 million people.
That leaves 61 million who are doing just fine.
Okay, so maybe some of those people are only 1 1/2 catastrophes away from financial ruin.
So what?
I like to look at it with the clarified glare of the Holy Spirit. Much like Job, God is just testing their love for Him. This way 249 million Americans have the rare chance to physically demonstrate their love for God by taking a high hard one straight up the ol' economic poop chute. So no whimpering y'all, God's watching.
Look at the bright side, at least God didn't blind you folks & cover y'all with pus filled boils.
It's all good with the Holy Yah baby.
Once they successfully navigate this unavoidable maze of economic buggery, I think they'll find the RADIANT GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT will shower down upon them like a summer rain.
Evidently the Pentagon doesn't see things my way. Nathan Friers, a professor at the Army War College, published a paper entitled Known Unknowns: Unconventional "Strategic Shocks" in Defense Strategy Development.
In it, he talks about possible Pentagon responses should the economic crisis lead to civil unrest. He says:
Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order … An American government and defense establishment lulled into complacency by a long-secure domestic order would be forced to rapidly divest some or most external security commitments in order to address rapidly expanding human insecurity at home.
DoD might be forced by circumstances to put its broad resources at the disposal of civil authorities to contain and reverse violent threats to domestic tranquility. Under the most extreme circumstances, this might include use of military force against hostile groups inside the United States. Further, DoD would be, by necessity, an essential enabling hub for the continuity of political authority in a multi-state or nationwide civil conflict or disturbance.
Balderdash! Americans would never stoop to "civil unrest." That would just make them appear disgruntled, & everyone knows disgruntled people are crazy.
Americans are a God a fearing crew, full of noble ideals bestowed upon us by a kind & loving God when he blessed our country, killed all the Injuns, & gave us American Idol & Veggie Tales to keep us occupied.
Americans love their Jesus, they most surely do.
Although, given the results of the latest Pew survey, they probably spell it "Geezass," but that's all good baby. The Hung He-Yah doesn't weh our souls on a spelling scale.
It's what's in our hearts that counts.
& let me tell ya brutha, our hearts are pure.
Okay, so I lied. Everything sucks.
Hell, I didn't even mention how the IMF is quietly urging the world to stop using the dollar as the currency of choice or how we're facing water shortages or how 10 states are nearing bankruptcy or how 1 out of 2 children in America need food stamps to eat or the estimated 3 million homeless or the coming collapse of the meager social safety net that the corporatist politicos haven't gotten around to with their scissors yet or how the IMF is recommending that meager safety net's dismantling...
To further compound your misery, I give you a recent list of disturbing headlines that
may even cause Edwin Starr to rise from the dead.
• US to Fund Israeli Purchase of 20 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters
• US Waging ‘Shadow War’ in Dozen Countries
• S.Korea, US to stage massive joint war games
• US Military Offensive Against the July 2011 Af-Pak Timetable
• China PLA warns U.S. over fresh military drill in region
• The dangers of mounting US-China rivalry
• America’s Biggest Jobs Program — the U.S. Military
• US Arms ‘Bonanza’ in the Middle East
• Chinese Military: The Chinese People Won’t Stand for US Provocation
• Israel bulldozes Muslim graves in Jerusalem
• U.S. Supersizes Afghan Mega-Base
• US concerned other countries won’t respect Iraq’s ‘sovereignty’
• US cuts $100m aid to Lebanon military
• U.S. won’t leave Iraq’s energy reserves untended
• US plans to sell F-15 jets to Saudi Arabia: report
• Blackwater: $220 million in new contracts
• Congress Spends Another $600 Million for Border Militarization
• U.S. worried by Hamid Karzai’s attempt to assert control over corruption probes
• Palestinians Denied Access to Water
• Gates: Iraq occupation could go on
• Petraeus beats the drums for endless war in Afghanistan
• Israel-US Increase Military Cooperation, Hold Biggest Joint Infantry Exercise Ever
• US, South Korea to Stage Another Military Exercise
• The Philippines: America’s New Launchpad for the Militarization of Southeast Asia
• U.S. and UK help train Kazakh troops in Russia’s backyard
• India to order large number of Javelin anti-tank missiles from US
• More US-NATO Military Bases: US Armed Forces in Central Asia
• US, Vietnam step up defence co-operation amid China concerns
• Speculation, debate over possible strike against Iran
• Russian Foreign Minister defends Iran nuclear power plant
• Colombia Court Blocks U.S. Military Accord Behind Regional Fight, Restricts Access to 7 Military Bases
• Venezuela says it will still send gasoline to Iran
• Venezuela threatens oil cut to US
• Iran: Venezuela Risks US Action
• Chávez and China: Challenging U.S. Interests | AEI
• Canada-Russia airspace ’showdown’ over Arctic
• Canada intercepted two Russian bombers near Arctic
• Japan, US plan naval drill near disputed islets: report
• China Restricts Exports of Rare Earth Minerals by 70pc,Tension with US escalating on several fronts
• Moscow warns US on issue of Israeli aerial strikes against Iran
• U.S. Global Strategy Targets Any Potential Challenger In Eurasia
• Obama Signs $600M Bill to Increase Militarization of US-Mexico Border
• Castro Warns of Nuclear War; Admiral Mullen Threatens Iran; US-Israel Vs. Iran-Hezbollah
• Doesn’t Appear Washington Wants Diplomatic Relations With Venezuela
• US talks Israel out of attacking Iran (for now)
• US stresses military role in Iraq, combat brigades under different name
• US Withdrawal Plan Marks “Privatization of Military Occupation”
• U.S. Military Intervention in Africa: The New Blueprint for Global Domination
• Ahmadinejad vows global response if Iran attacked
• Iran Opens Its First Nuclear Power Plant With Russian Help
• In Mideast Talks, Scant Hopes From the Beginning
• Iran hopes Russia’s next step will be delivery of S-300 missiles system: MP
• Iran working against Iraqi democracy: US general
• US combat brigades still in Iraq: report
• Karzai Stands Firm on Disbanding Private Security
• Iran’s new drone bomber is ‘messenger of death for the enemies of humanity’
• Costa Rica: US Warships Cause Unease
• Israel Knesset Member Declares “We Are Preparing For War”
• Pakistanis Nabbed Taliban Boss to Stop Peace Talks
• Iran condemns possible US military action
• Iran Calls for Formation of Islamic Union to Start New World Order
• Four Israeli air strikes on Gaza
• Two Minutes to Midnight? The Bomb-Iran Debate From Hell
• The last chance to avoid a global trade war
• Al-Shabab vows ‘massive’ Somali war
• We Must Be Ready for War With China
• Mass Assassinations Lie at the Heart of America’s Military Strategy in the Muslim World
• US deplores ‘particularly outrageous’ Mogadishu carnage
• Philippines: Pawn In U.S. Encirclement of China
• Global Food Security and Sovereignty Threatened by “Land Grabs” in Poor Countries
• US to spend $1.3 billion on Afghanistan bases
• America’s top Marine challenges Obama’s Afghan pullout deadline
• CIA sees increased threat from al-Qaeda in Yemen
• U.S. Weighs Expanded Strikes in Yemen
• JSOC is Hiring Interrogators and Covert Operatives for ‘Special Access Programs’
• Report: Kim Jong-Il Goes to China
• Canada Intercepts Russian Bombers — Again
• Kim Jong-il Visits China as Carter Waits in North Korea for Talks on Imprisoned American
• China Slams Pentagon Report
• Mexico Drug War Violence Rages, 28k Killed
• Tensions emerge between Rwanda and Western backers, China’s influence grows
• “Alarm bells” ring for Australian government over deepening China-East Timor ties
• US lawmaker urges France not to arm Lebanon army
• Chairman Of Joint Chiefs Of Staff Says National Debt Is Biggest Threat To National Security
• 18 nations wrap up mock terror exercise in Panama canal
• U.S. Bid To Control Whole Korean Peninsula Threat To China, Russia
• Canada Opens Arctic To NATO, Plans Massive Weapons Buildup
• China announces navy drill ahead of U.S. show of force
• Putin slams West for deceiving Russia
• Putin: U.S. Rearming Georgia
• Israel preparing to attack Syria: report
• China Deploys Troops In Pakistani Kashmir
• Israel Threatens War with Lebanon
• U.S. expands sanctions on North Korea
• Hamas targets Israeli-Palestinian talks by killing four Israelis
• US drones will patrol entire southern border
• Yellow Sea: U.S. Aegis Destroyers, S. Korean Subs In New Round of Drills
• Pentagon report underscores rising US-China tensions
• CIA Training Intelligence Agents For ‘State Sponsor Of Terrorism’ Sudan
• Tony Blair: military intervention in rogue regimes ‘more necessary than ever’
• France steps up military intervention in Sahel, Western Africa
• German military report: Peak oil could lead to collapse of democracy
• U.S.-Venezuela Links Teeter on the Brink
• Pakistan’s Taliban threaten attacks in U.S., Europe
• EU austerity policies risk civil war in Greece, warns top German economist
• India to acquire advanced U.S.-made anti-ship missiles
• Middle East Loses Trillions As U.S. Strikes Record Arms Deals
• Is War About to Break Out on the Israeli-Lebanese Border?
• NATO asks for 2000 more troops for Afghanistan
• US ‘likely’ to keep troops in Iraq after 2011
• U.S. Military Continues to Invest Hundreds of Millions in Iraq Bases
• UN nuke agency warns monitoring of Iran hampered
• Mideast talks a cover for US war preparations
• Land grabs, biofuel demand raise global food-security risk
• Anthrax War - the Malaysian Connection
• Defense Contractor Money Fueling Push to Militarize the US-Mexico Border
• US Government Report Argues for Police Force for American Interventions Overseas
• 730 F-35 planes to be sold to Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway
• U.S. to wrap up $2.5 billion Israel F-35 deal, Japan deal next
• Cheney’s Oily Dream - Redrawing the Map of the Middle East
• US and China at odds over North Korea
• Pentagon says USS George Washington to join military drills off Korean Peninsula
• Clinton: Mexico drug war bordering on ‘insurgency’
• Land Grabs in Poor Countries Set to Increase
• India: troops on alert as border dispute with China heats up
• India: U.S. Completes Global Military Structure
• Report: US must deal with domestic radical problem
• Experts: Terrorism threat to U.S. now more homegrown
• New York Times Pushes Confrontation with Iran
• Largest US arms deal ever: Congress to be told of $60-billion US-Saudi arms deal, shoring up Arab allies against Iran
• China-South Africa deals highlight great-power rivalry in Africa
• German armed forces “reform” reflects growth of militarism
• IMF fears ’social explosion’ from world jobs crisis
• US embassy in Jordan warns of ‘imminent threat’ around Aqaba
• Record level of US airstrikes hit Afghan militants
• Hamas: Israeli aircraft strike Gaza as leaders talk peace
• Obama’s Generals Push War for Yemen
• US drones prowl Mexico
• China’s currency manipulation: Flipping off America
• Asia: Pentagon Revives And Expands Cold War Military Blocs
• U.S. And NATO Strengthen Positions Along Russia’s Southern Flank
• Russia vs Canada: Race for Oil-Rich Arctic Seabed
• Economic crisis threatens to unleash global currency wars
• Saudi king meets top US, Canadian counter-terror officials
• China, Energy, and Global Power
• Somalia, The Next Afghanistan? UN’s top envoy warns on growing insurgency
• Pentagon to funnel US arms to Yemen
• China-Japan Tensions Escalate, As China Breaks Off High Level Contacts, Japanese Flag Burned In Protest
• Gulf States Order $123 Billion of U.S. Weaponry to Counter Iran
• Massive US Military Buildup Planned for Guam
I saw that World War III article by David DeGraw, whoever that is.
What's more interesting is to contrast that with the admonition from the MIC that UFOs are visiting nuclear installations, the implication being that the magnanimous UFOs want to prevent a nuclear conflagration, combined with China's Bare Branches problem and their crumbling economy.
I do see a case for perpetual war, or the continuation of that policy, because let's face it, when hasn't it been perpetual war, but in this case, on a much more global scale with a much higher magnitude of suffering. No nukes, though, the elite are tipping their hat, i.e. the aliens won't let us meme, so the suffering will be torturous, agonizing and unrelenting.
I'm psyched, how about you?
When was the last time you took the kids fishing?
Mine are in university and we never went fishing. Not once.
I never did like fishing. Tried it several times, and just didn't "get it." I realize I'm in the minority....but then again, when have I ever not been in the minority. Being in the minority is apparently my destiny, and I have reconciled that in my life. It took me a while, but with Richard's help, I'm now a proud dickish assholic minority report.
Plus, show me a clean body of water in which to fish, and I'll show you salvation. There are no clean bodies of water in these here parts. I hike at a park a couple of miles from home. The park surrounds a complex of interconnecting small lakes that are obviously polluted...all the telltale signs indicate it, but that doesn't stop people from fishing in it. letting their dogs swim in it...I even saw a woman teaching her dogs to swim in it the other day. In twenty years she'll wonder why she has ovarian cancer....no , she won't, she'll just accept it as god's plan for her.
This is your brain....now this is your brain on MIC Corn Starch.
Eric may have something with all that HAARP talk, afterall. Water molecules can arrange in an infinite number of patterns depending on its environment. Water, like memory foam, has memory. It can be trained. We are 90% water. Those water molecules that are in us, and that we imbibe and absorb every day, can be consciously manipulated to possess certain qualities, constructive or destructive, if a person or entity was so inclined for those properties to manifest.
You may have seen this posted at RI, but to add to my first post, let's put this in the mix.
Gates says too few in US bear the burdens of war.
I'm not going to argue the merits of that statement, because it is inarguable, but I will conjecture about what Gates is implying which, in my opinion, is cleverly veiled.
Compulsory military service is coming to a theater near you. Looks like I will be emigrating, afterall. My children will not fight their wars. Never. Ever.
Impressive collection of information. It proves that believers on and/or worshipers in a Creator are in charge. Most of them have to be. They just gotta.
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