Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

I only discovered this guy last night and he blew me away. His style of music is a dying dinosaur from an era when folk actually put feeling into music instead of samples, sound effects & babbling bullshit. I hope y'all find it worthwhile too.


Morocco Bama said...

This music will make your pole shift.

Morocco Bama said...

Some more pole shifting.

Morocco Bama said...

This is a good one to blast on the streets of Miami with the top down. Imagine the fireworks it would create.

just_another_dick said...

Way cool Shrub, thanks.

ericswan said...

I'll see your Che and raise you one Roche Sisters.

Morocco Bama said...

I have to say, I agree with sunny 100% in her analysis of Stewart/Colbert.

I don't trust Code Pink either. For example, Medea Benjamin says it's insane to be fighting and killing people over in the Middle East for no reason. That's patently false. There is a reason.....and that reason is at the heart of this crazy system. Code Pink won't go there any more than Stewart/Colbert won't go there.

Morocco Bama said...

This guy had the groove. The guitar was a natural appendage for him....and extension of his body and soul.

Morocco Bama said...

Don't Call Me Stranger

Morocco Bama said...

Surprise, Surprise

Morocco Bama said...

Look guys. We got a new fan. Groovy, isn't it....and so to is the music.

Morocco Bama said...

Someone posted this Hedges article over at RI. I have to say, I completely agree with his analysis.

just_another_dick said...

Yeah Shrub, Hedges nailed it. From what I saw it was a Boy Scout Jamboree.

But after seeing Stewart lob softball after softball at Condi Rice, I didn't really expect much else.

I remember making make much the same point while debating IC. I think I told him I missed the days when the left actually had a set of gonads.

The sidebar headlines at Truth Dig were truly surreal.

Obama’s ‘Daily Show’ Stint a Success, Says Team Obama

Stewart Gives Back to D.C.

‘Fable III’ Gives Gamers Gay-for-Play Options

The last one should have read:

'Rally For Sanity I' Gives Liberals Activism-Without-Action Options

just_another_dick said...

The comments there are even more surreal.

Morocco Bama said...

Yeah, the comments are surreal, as they often are on sites like Truthdig. I did like PhreedomPhan's comment, though. I agreed with it, entirely.

Morocco Bama said...

I guess everyone is out voting.