I only discovered this guy last night and he blew me away. His style of music is a dying dinosaur from an era when folk actually put feeling into music instead of samples, sound effects & babbling bullshit. I hope y'all find it worthwhile too.
I have to say, I agree with sunny 100% in her analysis of Stewart/Colbert.
I don't trust Code Pink either. For example, Medea Benjamin says it's insane to be fighting and killing people over in the Middle East for no reason. That's patently false. There is a reason.....and that reason is at the heart of this crazy system. Code Pink won't go there any more than Stewart/Colbert won't go there.
This music will make your pole shift.
Some more pole shifting.
This is a good one to blast on the streets of Miami with the top down. Imagine the fireworks it would create.
Way cool Shrub, thanks.
I'll see your Che and raise you one Roche Sisters.
I have to say, I agree with sunny 100% in her analysis of Stewart/Colbert.
I don't trust Code Pink either. For example, Medea Benjamin says it's insane to be fighting and killing people over in the Middle East for no reason. That's patently false. There is a reason.....and that reason is at the heart of this crazy system. Code Pink won't go there any more than Stewart/Colbert won't go there.
This guy had the groove. The guitar was a natural appendage for him....and extension of his body and soul.
Don't Call Me Stranger
Surprise, Surprise
Look guys. We got a new fan. Groovy, isn't it....and so to is the music.
Someone posted this Hedges article over at RI. I have to say, I completely agree with his analysis.
Yeah Shrub, Hedges nailed it. From what I saw it was a Boy Scout Jamboree.
But after seeing Stewart lob softball after softball at Condi Rice, I didn't really expect much else.
I remember making make much the same point while debating IC. I think I told him I missed the days when the left actually had a set of gonads.
The sidebar headlines at Truth Dig were truly surreal.
Obama’s ‘Daily Show’ Stint a Success, Says Team Obama
Stewart Gives Back to D.C.
‘Fable III’ Gives Gamers Gay-for-Play Options
The last one should have read:
'Rally For Sanity I' Gives Liberals Activism-Without-Action Options
The comments there are even more surreal.
Yeah, the comments are surreal, as they often are on sites like Truthdig. I did like PhreedomPhan's comment, though. I agreed with it, entirely.
I guess everyone is out voting.
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