to spend a few days
like the man below
before he will be able to do anything
even remotely interesting
with his TONGUE.
Happy "Hang Your God Out To Air Dry" day!
Jesus said, "Hearken unto me ye children of ubiquitous enigma. Feel the low slither of thy baser nature as it encamps upon the summit of your bounty. Yea, though thou walkest through concealing grass & keep thy true face hidden in the shadows, long may thee suffer, wearing thy ecstasies as mill stones & thy crowns as bell clappers."
Mary, lost in the wilderness, & embarrassed at her budding sexuality cried out, "Oh Lord, does thy penis hunger? Is thy Godly foreskin de-smegma-d & delightful? Would one millisecond of thy ecstatic undulations be like unto eternity?"
Salome, twirling like a vixenish dervish, bespoke to the gathered throng as she produced the severed head of John from under her voluminous robes, "Hey, who wants a little head?"
Hopsicker needs a two pay. He's looking a bit thin on top. I'm sure the suckasses at RI will polish his shiny ripe melon for him.
humblenotry said...
just_about_another_dick... On this day, April 22, 1994 the 37th president Richard M. Nixon died from a severe stroke. He was 81 years old. Thought this may interest some of the readers here.
Hmm... I wonder who anonymous might be?
humblenotry said...
And the interests of the nation must always come before any personal considerations...
"Those who fail to exhibit positive attitudes, no matter the external reality, are seen as maladjusted and in need of assistance. Their attitudes need correction. Once we adopt an upbeat vision of reality, positive things will happen. This belief encourages us to flee from reality when reality does not elicit positive feelings. These specialists in "happiness" have formulated something they call the "Law of Attraction." It argues that we attract those things in life, whether it is money, relationships or employment, which we focus on. Suddenly, abused and battered wives or children, the unemployed, the depressed and mentally ill, the illiterate, the lonely, those grieving for lost loved ones, those crushed by poverty, the terminally ill, those fighting with addictions, those suffering from trauma, those trapped in menial and poorly paid jobs, those whose homes are in foreclosure or who are filing for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills, are to blame for their negativity. The ideology justifies the cruelty of unfettered capitalism, shifting the blame from the power elite to those they oppress. And many of us have internalized this pernicious message, which in times of difficulty leads to personal despair, passivity and disillusionment."
— Chris Hedges
What Hedges says mirrors precisely what Parenti says about Buddhism in Feudal Society. Here's a link. It's ironic, because Buddhism and the Dalai Lama are so en vogue these days, and yet the jackasses that kiss the feet of this prick have no idea of his history and the history of his religion, or if they do, it doesn't matter because he's like, you know, way cool.
In old Tibet there were small numbers of farmers who subsisted as a kind of free peasantry, and perhaps an additional 10,000 people who composed the “middle-class” families of merchants, shopkeepers, and small traders. Thousands of others were beggars. There also were slaves, usually domestic servants, who owned nothing. Their offspring were born into slavery. 15 The majority of the rural population were serfs. Treated little better than slaves, the serfs went without schooling or medical care, They were under a lifetime bond to work the lord's land--or the monastery’s land--without pay, to repair the lord's houses, transport his crops, and collect his firewood. They were also expected to provide carrying animals and transportation on demand.16 Their masters told them what crops to grow and what animals to raise. They could not get married without the consent of their lord or lama. And they might easily be separated from their families should their owners lease them out to work in a distant location. 17
As in a free labor system and unlike slavery, the overlords had no responsibility for the serf’s maintenance and no direct interest in his or her survival as an expensive piece of property. The serfs had to support themselves. Yet as in a slave system, they were bound to their masters, guaranteeing a fixed and permanent workforce that could neither organize nor strike nor freely depart as might laborers in a market context. The overlords had the best of both worlds.
One 22-year old woman, herself a runaway serf, reports: “Pretty serf girls were usually taken by the owner as house servants and used as he wished”; they “were just slaves without rights.”18 Serfs needed permission to go anywhere. Landowners had legal authority to capture those who tried to flee. One 24-year old runaway welcomed the Chinese intervention as a “liberation.” He testified that under serfdom he was subjected to incessant toil, hunger, and cold. After his third failed escape, he was merciless beaten by the landlord’s men until blood poured from his nose and mouth. They then poured alcohol and caustic soda on his wounds to increase the pain, he claimed.19
The serfs were taxed upon getting married, taxed for the birth of each child and for every death in the family. They were taxed for planting a tree in their yard and for keeping animals. They were taxed for religious festivals and for public dancing and drumming, for being sent to prison and upon being released. Those who could not find work were taxed for being unemployed, and if they traveled to another village in search of work, they paid a passage tax. When people could not pay, the monasteries lent them money at 20 to 50 percent interest. Some debts were handed down from father to son to grandson. Debtors who could not meet their obligations risked being cast into slavery.20
The theocracy’s religious teachings buttressed its class order. The poor and afflicted were taught that they had brought their troubles upon themselves because of their wicked ways in previous lives. Hence they had to accept the misery of their present existence as a karmic atonement and in anticipation that their lot would improve in their next lifetime. The rich and powerful treated their good fortune as a reward for, and tangible evidence of, virtue in past and present lives.
Such irreligious thoughts on an Easter Sunday. You guys should be ashamed.
I suggest y'all meditate on The Shroud of Turin until enlightenment is attained.
If any of you find yourselves unable to find the Turin Shroud, there were, at least, 4 other burial shrouds of Christ floating around the world at one time.
I'm sure that everyone of them is completely authentic and will do the trick provided that one BELIEVES.
If that should fail the 5 or 6 hunks of Christ's foreskin will serve in a pinch.
Mr. Bama, haven't those lovely, en vogue, Eastern religions also been implicated in aiding and abetting the commission of Japan's more egregious behavior during WW2?
BF, I not only know Christians who adhere to that particularly dipshit Christian doctrine, I work in a field whose continual mantra is "BE POSITIVE."
Consequently, MR folk are now labeled as "intellectually different."
Of course, one could say the same thing about a fence post or a door knob.
Personally, I prefer the phrase "inverse Einsteins."
Mr. H., whoever that little anonymous bastard is, I think he needs to be excised from blougie-dom.
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