Yahoo has abandoned their automatic frivolous news story scroll. They've had Obama's execu...oops...Usama's execution front & center all day.
Really not surprised.
We're blood thirsty bastards to the core.
Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Liberals, Conservatives...
Blood always gets our attention.
As long as it isn't ours.
All blathering peaceniks yattering on about "humanity" & "ethics" & "activism" & "Hollywood style PR" & "feeling lost" are still rubbernecking at the accident scene.
The RI Forum had 12 pages by 9:30 in the AM.
All I could wonder is, 'Does no one have a fucking job?'
They kvetch & whimper about the PR nature of the execution as they simultaneously yatter on about how their Twitter & IM & emails are going crazy.
They are as embedded in the illusory "social network" that has been manufactured for them by the same folk who kill for them as those patriotic rubes out waving flags at 3 in the AM.
Who is really naive enough to believe that anyone in this country, other than those unfortunates who lost family members on 911, actually cares about Osama's role or non-roll in 911?
It's just another victory for TEAM USA.
Our concessions stands have long been known to sell substandard hot dogs & watered down beer.
Our ticket prices have been increasing at an alarming rate while our stadium seating rots & our concrete ramps buckle.
Not to mention the outrageous gouging that's occurring in our shuttle & other transportation services.
Our fans have watched us mount offense after offense, with little or no gain to show for "our" efforts...
They needed a touchdown.
They needed a win.
After Coach Obama delivered his prerequisite after game pep talk, League representative Clinton stepped out and informed everyone that what we thought was a championship game, was really just one in a long line of play-off games to come.
[cue applause]
[cue crowd roar]
Go America!
humblenotry said...
Just_another_shit_message from Mr. H.
On May 30, 2011 AP reports that United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is dead along with 56 other leading international diplomats and business CEOs. 112 wounded with many in critical condition. A terrorist bomb exploded inside a Nepal business center that had hosted the 21st South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit. The organization is well known internationally for it's opposition to terrorist acts world wide...
Reuters reports that on this day, May 30, 2011 the former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney has died from a massive cardiopulmonary arrest. He was seventy years old. Family members had notified emergency professionals of his failing condition. Emergency Medical Services had rushed him to George Washington University Hospital in D.C. whereas he was pronounced dead on arrival. Funeral services will be held on the 3rd of June say family sources...
UPI reports that today, May 30, 2011 Pope Benedict XVI has been fatally wounded by a gunman. David James Conner, a 37 year old pipefitter from Trenton, New Jersey U.S.A. has been taken into custody by Italian law enforcement officials as the shooter. His Holiness was 84 years old. The Pope was gunned down before a crowd of 10,000 followers at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican City, Italy...
Jeff Rense reported on his radio talk show the Jeff Rense Program that on June 1, 2011 humblenotry was taken into custody by U.S. Secret Service due to his connection with the deaths of Pope Benedict XVI, Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney. Humblenotry with detailed accuracy had predicted the deaths of the 3 leading international establishment leaders. Sources say that the deaths may have been masterminded by humblenotry in his attempt to dominate the global economic management system. Details soon to follow...
I take exception to your cheerleader pic. There are other squads working their butt off but no, another Dallas cheerleader gets the spotlight.
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