Cool! There was another "school shooting" in Texas yesterday.
At least that's what the media & all the bottom feeder bloggers & snake oil salesmen would like their readers to believe. Yahoo is even calling him the Texas A& M Shooter.
I know, I know, a well armed man in Texas is definitely an "anomaly."
It's also uber Fortean that an evicted man could turn violent. I'm sure that, in the history of repossessions & evictions, none of the evicted or repossessed ever ever ever turned violent.
It's definitely the media's fault.
& Batman's too...
Chris Knowles at the Secret Sun calls the Batman trilogy "The Batman Working" after Crowley's Amalantrah Working, a Crowleyan magic ritual that's much loved by the Internet influenced paranoiacs amongst us. It's effects were massive or dubiously negligible, depending on who you believe. Chris likes to ominously intone how the trilogy's director, Chris Nolan, is "playing with forces he doesn't understand" by churning out this turgid overpriced BatCrap.
Personally, as someone who has had the misfortune of sitting through all 3 Batman films(sorry, I have children and I'm a weak willed asshole when it comes to their requests), I prefer to refer to them as the "Sore Ass Workings."
This has become my own personal film rating guide. If I'm totally engaged by a film I never notice the fact that my ass is hurting, but if a film has all the nutritional content of a Ho-Ho, at some point, usually about midway, I think to myself, "Jehezeeus Christ, my ass hurts."
All 3 Batman films had this effect.
While they were unintentionally funny at times, they were generally comprised of what typically passes for entertainment here in adolescent America...explosions, gunfire, snarky one liners passed off as philosophy, more explosions, more gunfire, the credits.
To be honest, my first exposure to the latest helping of BatCrap was as a preview shown before the start of another film. They ran Batman alongside the latest Bourne flick & the Phil Dick Total Recall retread and I thought I was watching one long trailer for the same movie.
Watching a superhero film, or any high budget Hollywood brain fart for that matter, has all the riveting, attention grabbing emotional & intellectual appeal of watching plumber's putty air dry.
I suppose that it's all an offshoot of the rise of GEEK CULTURE. Here, the wimps & effeminate nerd boys, genetically unable to make the leap into the role of adult male, cling to their childhood obsessions & power fantasies like a drowning man clings to a life preserver in a big scary ocean. They homoerotically attach themselves to the muscular hero, imagining themselves in his HERO shoes while simultaneously fantasing about having his HERO cock in their worshipful mouths.
Of course, none of these folk would ever admit that they're big adolescents with repressed gay issues. Egos as massive as I've seen displayed in INTERNET GEEK CULTURE could never stand that much honest self examination. Instead, they have to justify their unhealthy inability to evolve beyond childhood by over inflating the importance of their comic crap.
Lest I forget, one couldn't possibly leave out the fact that the majority of Americans don't actually work for a living any more. At the turn of the 20th century, America was primarily agrarian, with 91% of the population finding employment on farms. While here in the 21st century, Americans primarily find employment in offices.
I would imagine that many of these office dwellers have copious amounts of time to get their Internet geek on. &, as the saying goes, idle hands are the devil's playthings.
I suppose that having an army of passive aggressive adolescents as your population base is much better for business. They'll lap up all the little techno toys you toss at them, they'll slavishly flock to all of your entertainment-less entertainment offerings, & when the going gets tough it's practically guaranteed that they'll whine & complain & invent & postulate & google & blog & forum about it all but they will never ever ever stand up & actually risk anything in order to attain change.
Emasculating the male population seems like it would be a primary step to take if
one seeks to subjugate a society. You can say many things, good &
bad, about old school radicals, but you could never accuse them of
cowardice. They had a massive "carry in wheelbarrow" set of balls. They
understood that lifting their heads up could very well get them lopped
off. These days radicals are pseudo Ghandi wanna-bes who march in
circles chanting nifty media friendly slogans. Passively waiting for
their collective pouting to magically alter reality.
It's a beautiful system.
A system that will only be cured by a good collective flushing.
Which brings me back to our much anticipated ending...
C'mon Dec. 21st.