A Pennsylvania judge has dismissed charges against a Muslim man who physically attacked an atheist dressed as “Zombie Muhammad” during the Mechanicsburg, Pa. Halloween parade.

“Having had the benefit of having spent over 2 and a half years in predominantly Muslim countries I think I know a little bit about the faith of Islam,” Martin said. “In fact I have a copy of the Koran here and I challenge you sir to show me where it says in the Koran that Mohammad arose and walked among the dead. I think you misinterpreted things. Before you start mocking someone else’s religion you may want to find out a little bit more about it. It makes you look like a doofus… In many Arabic speaking countries something like this is definitely against the law there. In their society in fact it can be punishable by death and it frequently is in their society.”

Dick, I was going to put a bullet in my head today, but I have posted this instead... Hope this does not offend.
Allah be praised forever and ever.
You are fortunate. When I see me in the mirror, I see a pansy ass sissy. It's not my face I consider shaving. It's my legs! This was why I was a somewhat successful door-to-door salesman. I look so non-threatening that if an husband came back home from work and found ME in the home with his wife, he would start laughing and know that I would never be able to come close to satisfying his cheating wife's demands. I am a desperate, worthless piece of shit that has a minor fetish with heavy duty vacuum cleaners.
Hey Dick, this is the real me on facebook. Check it out. No bullshit.
Sorry, I can't do CountenanceTome. Not a member.
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