Saturday, April 21, 2012

Too Good To Let Slip Away

(Thanks Mr. B.)


Morocco Bama said...

Nice. My take away is that resistance is futile. Just give in to it. All roads lead to Rome.

Anonymous said...

Belliosto said...

I am reading "Empire of Illusion" by Chris Hedges. Yeah, Mr. Bama the road to/on despotism, totalitarianism. Does one wrap his lips around Caesar's shaft? Performing a spiritual fellatio? I don't believe we can be too shocked if Washington D.C. is hydrogen bombed tomorrow. This is what the end result of Homeland Security is about. The dissipation of peace.

just_another_dick said...

Rome is a mirage.

All roads lead to the grave.

Resistance, like survival, is hampered by a very very fucking short shelf life for the resister looking to survive.

50 years have passed & it feels like an eye blink.

I know there were minutes that dragged like centuries & hours that flashed by like lightening strikes but it all feels like an eye blink.

My next blink will end in the ground or, preferably, on a burning pyre.

Racists aren't pure..

Anti-Racists aren't pure.

Nothing is pure.

Everything is someone's propaganda.

We are all slaves to a system & worldview we didn't create.

Elite as well as serf.

It was the bullseye at the end of the birth canal.

& we've all hit it dead center.

For a while.

just_another_dick said...

Y'know what I took away from the video Shrub?

I realized that, should the Black Panthers ditch the bald guy in favor of that hot black chick with the rage filled eyes standing over his right shoulder or should they offer me one night with her, I would willingly agree to martyr myself as reparation for the suffering of their ancestors.

I'd do it with a Mauser as I was licking her boots clean.

Morocco Bama said...

Rome's a metaphor for the System, and let's face it, this System has a way of turning everything, even its own seeming destruction, into gravy. I agree with everything in that video, and yet I'm left with the implication that you shouldn't fight it....just give in, work hard, and you'll be rewarded.....and I'm sorry, but that's bullshit. And so, even a video, that on its face, speaks truth to this circus atmosphere surrounding the Martin shooting, leads you right back to another more benign place within the System. It's got you covered.

Anonymous said...

Belliosto said...

And the video is a semblance of our reliance on show business to make us feel better about ourselves. I think we have to rely on the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, the checks and balances on the different branches, etc., on this necessary evil, to competently function as a people. The dismantling of the System would be replaced with another set of shitty laws to follow that would make us equally enslaved, and worthless.

Tribal factions, warlording knights in shining armor, and local government committees lead us or keep us in the direction of self governance. Whether it is the Union or the States, we are under its laws that enable us to operate as potentially functional individuals. We fail miserably when we refuse to work within these laws using the laws to maintain an established free society. When we go outside of the laws society starts to break down. And the governors that represent these laws are common age-old culprits that break society down too as well as its laws.

We are able to see ourselves as reproduced equal, but we are easily distracted from this reality by the few around us that insist they are greater than thou. So most of us say, yeah okay you are greater than I, and we permit this anarchy to dominate our common sense. Order to chaos. Chaos to order. To be a survivor in civilization is also full of shit. We are all cast-outs from the beginning. "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."

just_another_dick said...

Gee, I learned one thing today:


I don't know Shrub, I guess I agree with the video up to a point, but the guy is like every other human, he ignores facts that don't fit his view.
There have actually been copious amounts of anti black on black crime marches & demonstrations.

They're just not salacious enough for the news media to cover in any great detail.

I do agree that no one really gives a shit about the real Trayvon Martin, the real George Zimmerman or the actual facts of the case though.

I can't honestly say I do either.

It is immensely hard to get passed the fact that Zimmerman was an idiot with a gun.
The 911 dispatcher told him not to follow that kid.
Y'know the only reason that Zimmerman attempted to be Bruce Willis was because he was packing heat. Gunpowder courage.
Without it, Trayvon goes on his merry way & Zimmerman lets him.
Story never happens.
Protests never happen.
Media whores & their whoring never happens.

Anonymous said...

Belliosto said...


Hey, maybe one day we can meet up at an agreed upon place in Pennsylvania and smoke some. Been a long time since I smoked some hash. Who fucking cares. As long as one is feeling confident and well feeling uh what was I saying... When time is uh we look at this because we want to see that it is the reason that begins our focus and leaves us knowing about this time when we accept the reason for knowing how things really look, man. And then we go and focus because we see how things are being shared. When we hoard on these things I hope not be be heard since the time today believes we are present. So sure man, its been a long time...

Morocco Bama said...

Another thing that comes to mind when I watch the video is The Monkees.

Anonymous said...

Belliosto said...

Is it probable to meet at some agreed upon destination in the near future and converse while enjoying some inebriation? It's just a thought. Tie in flesh and bone with these callous cyberspace communications. The more the merrier. I'll make sure I get the FED involved when I show up to keep things more interesting. Some wire tapping, email scanning, and CIA intelligence op work. I know that I am this significant to the government after all my posts throughout the years. They definitely want my ass in prison for sure. This is a no-brainer. Know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

Belliosto has said in the past if he remembers correctly...

Another one bartender.