Sunday, November 4, 2012

This Tuesday, Remember To...

(This message has been sponsored by AMERICANS WHO NO LONGER GIVE A SHIT. Donations are always welcome. Thank You.)


Morocco Bama said...

It's as though I've gone full circle on politics and elections. When I was young and in my teens, and even early twenties, it didn't interest me much. From my mid to late twenties until my early forties, it interested me. Now, I'm back to square one and don't give a shit. I feel like I wasted twenty years giving a shit. Although, I will say I don't give a shit for different reasons than I did when I was young. Like yourself, I haven't followed this bullshit at all this year. We're fucked in so many ways, you can put an eggplant in the oval office and the outcome will be effectively the same.

just_another_dick said...

They did put an eggplant in the Oval Orifice MB. Once in 1980 & then again in 2000.
The country still ran onwards like a runaway train looking for a stretch of unfinished track to hurtle off...

Humans, for the most part, don't seem to be wired for long term planning.

Give them a fat belly & a football game & you can ass rape their daughters & send their sons head first into meat grinders & they won't raise a whimper of concern.

Fuck 'em.

Belliosto's Garbage said...

Life organized legalistically has thus shown its inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

choo choo Killing evil heads of states and invading their wicked countries in the name of democracy makes an American feel comfortable to be alive. Americans loved Soviet Uncle Joey for freedom sake and then decided to unlove him for freedom sake. Just like the Northern Alliance. And the eggplant Andrew Jackson made sure the Indians were rid of and that seems to be a very American thing. I no vote in election. People vote are penis.

Morocco Bama said...


I don't like to think of those two as Eggplant...mainly because I like Eggplant, and that ruins it for me. FYI, we had Eggplant Parmesan for dinner this past Sunday. Richard, that's the first time you've referred to me as MB. A new bob and a new weave?


Belliosto's Garbage said...

I ripped the yes no images off of your blog. I think it is fair to let you know.

yea, fuck em.

MB isn't the term eggplant used in relation to nasty-looking anorexic women hooked on cocaine? I believe the Italian mob coined the term.

Morocco Bama said...

I've never heard of that, Belliosto, but it wouldn't surprise me. Eggplant is much maligned, and that's a shame, because it makes such wonderful Baba Ghanouj.

just_another_dick said...

I think I've hit you with an MB before. Then again, maybe not.
These days my memory's pretty poor. I'm lucky that I remember my hamster habitrail route home from work every day.

I like eggplant too Dr. Shrub MB.

Bush & Raygun were just shitheads.

But, then again, so was Clinton.

I also agree with you about caring/not caring.

I also used to care.

Then I realized that nothing really changed except the Big Kahuna's party affiliation.

Now I bounce between "not caring" and blind rage filled hatred.

I am sure of one thing, Rome needs to burn.

Instead it will just smolder ineffectually until a new Rome is agreed upon then it will be allowed to go the way of the dinosaur.

just_another_dick said...

Br. B., you can heist anything you like.

My blog is your blog.