Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Giving New Meaning To The Phrase "Ho, Ho, Ho!"

A little Old Time Religion for the Holiday/End Of All Da Shit Season

We need more preachers like Reverend X.


Belliosto's Garbage said...

Mr. D, I've found that secularists and christians are alike in that they are usually self-absorbed people that have something to say about some group or ideal that does not belong to themselves. One says Jesus and the other does not, but they are almost identical twins when they converse about most of the valueless hubris that is available for us worthless cannon fodder to eat and regurgitate. And if the subject has some significance it gets brown-watered down by redundant grade 2 & 3 critical mindshitting.

I have thought that the phrase ho, ho, ho is related to a giant green extraterrestrial that has a reputation as a traumatizer of young children because of how jolly he becomes when he takes down his pants and reveals his true self to us earth bound failures. Not a fat-headed, ape-like brown stain stuck on the inside wall of a toilet who refuses to shut the fuck up. Like a resurrected victim of a state-sanctioned electrocution whose fried brain has been pushed out of his mouth in the same way a french poodle squeezes out a loaf on the lawn in grandma's backyard.

I have less than two weeks until I am raptured out of here Dick. When I meet the true entity of this life I'll try and see if I can put a good word in for the rest of us. Santa does cross out the bad checks and substitutes them with good checks. I know I'll enjoy the North Pole as anybody would. Can't wait, and it's about time too.

just_another_dick said...

That was great Mr. B.

I'm considering changing my profile to this:

"A fat-headed, ape-like brown stain stuck on the inside wall of a toilet who refuses to shut the fuck up."

I wonder if it will raise my hipness quotient?

Belliosto's Garbage said...

Maybe, but the smell would be about the same.