Friday, May 27, 2011

AutoErotic Penmanship

Another spacey news day for Yahoo. First, we're told that

"Gas tanks are draining family budgets"

Gee, that could be bad. Empty budgets mean empty shopping carts. But then we're told right below, that

"Rising consumer confidence lifts stocks"

Whew. That was close. I'd hate to see stockholders suffering. Not that I own any. & I'd hate to see consumers suffering from a lack of confidence. I doubt we could afford to send everyone in the country to a Tony Robbins seminar. But then further down they give us this

"April consumer spending shows weak gain"

Maybe consumers were just a little insecure, but now they're reasserting themselves, poising to storm the Wal-Mart aisles & Home Depot Garden Centers.

It's all so confusing. Like watching a silent movie in braille.

Oh well, at least Obama, the Hope & Change guy, didn't throw us any curve balls. He extended The Patriot Act without any changes, just like everyone on the right hoped he would.

Good boy Barack.

Sit up.


Here's a biscuit.

Now go play while the rich white guys think up a new task for your black ass.

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